Saturday, September 23, 2006

Bad Movie Mom. Again.

Stuart Little didn't BREAK my kid. Not like E.T. did. But when Stuart had to leave his loving, adoptive family to live with his "real" parents, I knew exactly what those pursed and down turned lips meant. I knew that my normally cheerful fellow would soon burst into sobs and try to escape the heartbreak by leaving the room.

I am mean. I wasn't going to let him. No avoidance of sadness in THIS house!

Plus, I knew he'd be able to get over it once he saw that Stuart would eventually find his way back to the Little house. He doesn't understand forshadowing yet, but if I'm any kind of writer he'll know before he turns 6.

I must admit that I sobbed, too. I'm a huge sap and just like my son, I hate it when circumstances are so unfair. I hate it when the cat lies and tells Stuart that the family was so glad he was gone that they've had nothing but movies and roller skating since he's been out of the house. Lying, evil cat! And, for me anyway, these cruelties, these injustices are all the more tragic when heaped upon a child (young mouse) or a dog. Both of which lack the experience and the capacity to understand that these things happen because the world is a dysfunctional place- not because you are an awful creature that deserves such treatment. It's like watching some perfect thing get banged up just outside the store. Sad.

Anyway. We survived it. But he will not talk about the movie beyond saying, "I hate it when people have to leave! Even if it is only in a movie!"

Amen, baby. Amen.


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