Thursday, March 23, 2006


I was at a coffee shop with a friend this morning. Granted, she happens to love her cell phone a bit much and has been known to call me while she's waiting in line at the grocery store or whatever. That's fine. But at this moment we were sitting face to face enjoying some coffee and chatting. She has her own business and when she isn't there she needs to keep tabs on things, but she also needs a break from being onsite sometimes. Having her phone allows her to do that. Anyway, she got up to use the restroom and her phone went off. It's not my phone so I didn't feel right about answering it. I was irritated by its ringing, but hey, should she have answered it on the john? That's classy. Can't the woman get a few moments peace? Well, as I was fumbling trying to turn the volume down on the ringer this woman behind me stares right at me and announces,

"That's annoying."

No shit. But it wasn't even my phone so where the hell does she get off? Yeah, people kvetching on their mobiles is obnoxious, as is the psuedo high powered types who act like the world would fall off its fucking axis if they didn't take this dumbass call. But they're here to stay. I still believe that power is not in your ability to be available, but in your freedom to be unavailable. THAT'S how you know you've made something of yourself. If you can afford to ignore your Harry Potter ring tone (NO that's NOT what's on my phone. It's Dvorjak, if you're curious) and aren't so desperate to take the call from your boss while you're taking a dump in Barnes and Noble- then you know you're at the top of the food chain.

At any rate, there does need to be a bit of cell phone ettiquette but part of that should be to not judge the one who is left holding the phone. It's not my phone. Not my responsibility! Back off, ya old bitty. It has never been good manners to be snotty to someone who doesn't have good manners. Justifiable, sure, but good manners- fuck no. Ye who has no sin...

And it wasn't my fucking phone.


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