Wednesday, March 22, 2006

My Life Rocks

Today I got up, took my son to school, had my morning phone call with a close friend while I sat on the stoop and soaked up the sun, then I got some groceries, threw some food in the ol' crock pot and sat down to work. My job today was to crunch numbers and mock up some class plans. Then I needed to track some people down, do some scheduling and pool some resources. Now I can lay down on my heating pad and watch a little tube while I down some chips and suck back some seltzer. Then I am going to pick up the boy and hang out at the park with some pals, come home and slap some dinner on the table.

What's so great about this? It's everything I actually want to do and I am finally seeing the fruits of my labor. ($) I'm telling you, 2006 is the year my reign as supreme Empress of New York begins. Next year, the entire east coast. I'm not greedy.


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