Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Playing the Race Card

Last night I was at a party on Staten Island in which I was, for once, a part of the racial minority. I had a really nice time, but found myself a little uncomfortable when one of the men I was talking to asked:

"So, when you dance, what kind of music do you dance to?"

"Oh, baby- you're just asking me that because I'm white! Would you have asked that girl over there? Or over there?"

I gave him shit about it for a while, mostly because I wasn't sure how to answer the question. Lately, I've been honestly cutting a rug with Fela but if I would have told this guy (Raised in NIgeria, by the by) I would have felt like a total poser. Yeah, you're a real African, so let me try to impress you with my world music knowledge. I'm ever so multicultural! Yuck. I'll be the first to admit that I am not so uber worldly (note my constant use of "uber") but I do love Fela.

I'm going to be in this little Staten Island circle for a while because I am going to be offering some classes there. This means I'll be at some more parties. I should probably figure out how to answer that question a little more gracefully.

Corn fed white girl in da house!


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