Thursday, February 23, 2006

Gitchy Gitchy Gloomy Gloomy

I'm going to avoid looking out the window today. It's all grey and depressing out there.

Meanwhile Sullivan is watching The Snowman which is a silent, animated short about a little boy who has a magical adventure with a snowman that he made only to have the fucker melt at the end. It's a beautiful, whispy little film but stop with the melting already! I know WHY they made the story that way and, in theory, I totally agree. But I don't want to have to explain why Mommy gets all weepy every time she watches it.

I have troubles with that. I cry reading Shel Silverstein. I cry when the freaking Whos down in Whoville get together for their Who Christmas Sing. I can't watch anything in the Boy and His Dog genre. I haven't dared to watch The Fox and the Hound because, apparently, the viewing experience as a child was so traumatic that my family almost considered never letting me see a movie ever again. Aw, c'mon, talk about a heartbreaking tragedy when you are bred to hunt down your best friend. I just can't handle that kind of stuff. My heart breaks easily.

BUT, I have become the person you want around in a crisis. I can handle that. Small child bleeding from a head wound? Stand back and do what I say and everything will be just fine. Death in the family? Come to Momma. Falling into an abyss of despair? Take my hand, I may not know the way out but I can help you find someone who does.

Just don't make me read Where the Red Fern Grows, or I'll completely fall apart.


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