Sunday, February 19, 2006

Took Ya Long Enough!


I've finally figured it out!

I know the rest of you will all scratch your head and give smart ass remarks like, "She's the LAST one to know!" or "That's the LEAST of your problems, sister." but I won't let you rain on my parade.

My problem is that I am bored.

Bored, bored, bored, bored, bored!

What a relief! I'm not depressed or crazy, I'm just bored.

Not that I put any particular value on astrology, but I am a typical Archer in so many ways. I assume that has more to do with the persona I have fashioned for myself rather than anything determined by the alignment of the planets. Perhaps it's a little from column A and a little from column B? At any rate, it is simply a quick and easily understandable way to describe my basic wants and needs. Just about any asshole understands that a Sagittarian personality craves a certain type of stimulation whether that Sagittarian personality was born in May or December.

So that is the cause of my malaise. I'm bored. I'm no happy homemaker and if I ever was you couldn't expect me to remain so for long. It just isn't me. So this bored and antsy thing that has been happening with me can be remedied. It isn't something "wrong" with me, it is just a matter of proper Sagittarian maintenance.

I'm glad we've gotten that straightened out. Now where's the pie?


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