Monday, February 20, 2006

Giddy Giddy Giddy

Happy President's Day!

How American. We will celebrate our democratic institutions/ founding fathers by saving on bath sheets and getting low, low financing on new (or new to you!) cars. Hoorah for capitalism, where everything sacred is also on sale for 50% off!

The boy has the week off and I've got to entertain him for the entire week and I must say... I'm a wee bit out of practice and am a tad apprehensive. I've come to hate being Julie the Cruise Director and would much rather sit down and pick his brain about important topics of the day. I want to know which super villian is the most appealing and why. I want to know why Cinderella is the "it" girl while Ginny Weasley has suddenly fallen out of favor. But, he's four and four year olds are not known for their long, in-depth converstations. Those only happen by accident- or by avoiding bedtime. I could totally sit and watch him talk and play with his friends, because that is seriously entertaining. Especially when they are not punching each other. Of course, this week will be all about the two of us trying to get along without resorting to endless episodes of Cyberchase. It's hard to resist when you're beating Hacker at his game.

I could approach this week with terror, thinking about the number of ways I could throw him out the window when he starts nagging. (A little known fact- 4 year olds are rude and ungrateful little fuckers!) OR I could keep him busy with all kinds of field trips and shiny things. Wahoo! Shiny! I'm opting for the field trips. Indian restaurants, museums, Chinatown, maybe a show...thank God I live in the shiniest town in the world. There's quite a bit to look at and put me in the poor house.

That's okay. I've always wanted to see a poor house. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad with new window treatments.


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