Monday, December 19, 2005

Gingerbread Is Meant to Be Eaten

That's right. Make the little men, your little houses with the white snow icing and miscellaneous shapes and then eat them. Eat them with abandon! It goes well with coffee and tea, milk and root beer floats. Eat that gingerbread house before some New York real estate agent comes calling, convincing you to sell that gingerbread house for a sizable profit. People are desperate for real estate in this market and they'd fall all over themselves for a quaint little house with vaulted ceilings and panoramic views of the gumdrop sidewalk. Eat that gingerbread house before someone builds a gingerbread condo next door and blocks out all of your available sunlight which will choke your sugar trees and candy wreaths. Eat that gingerbread house now before little gingerbread vagrants break in and start shooting up simple sugar and pissing molasses all over your sweet little piece of heaven.

Some things aren't meant to last forever. Gingerbread is meant to be eaten.


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