Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Probably As Hip As I Get

So, who out there would NOT do Michelle Yeoh, given the opportunity? Come on, people, she's cute as a flipping button but has that whole ass-whooping thing going for her. Yeah. She's a fox.

So, to update everyone on my fantasy to do list, in no particular order (or relationship to reality):

Michelle Yeoh
Brian Greene (Fabric of the Cosmos, Elegant Universe)
Stephen Hawking (yeah- I haven't exactly figured out how that one would go but he could talk dirty physics, that'll work)
Tom Waits (Hey, his wife can totally come along for the ride)
Gene Kelley- Hey, it's my list, I can do whatever I want with it
Clara Bow- she was the "It Girl" and I'm sure she was fun fun fun
Bob Dylan
Cary Grant- Oh my God!
Humphrey Bogart (Throw in Betty Bacall and you've got yourself a party)
Al Pacino (Yesterday, today and tomorrow)
Richard Pryor- yeah, I mean that! Talk to me, baby
Walter Mathau- I'm really fucking serious, watch "House Calls"
Jack Lemmon- Yup
Mae West- because she's Mae West, damn it!
Gene Wilder- He's adorable- watch "Silver Streak"
The Entire cast and crew of The Daily Show
Christianne Ahmanpour
Tom Ewell
Stanley Kowalski- yup, he's fictional but still has pure animal magnetism

That'll do for now. Notice how most of my list is dead. Their loss. They totally should have stuck around. As for the rest of you, ring a ding ding.


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