Monday, December 05, 2005

...And the Horse You Rode In On!

As you may have read in my previous posts, I've been thinking about thinking. Mostly, I've been pondering whether there is any value in emotional distance, intellectualism, or passionate artistic expression in the whole scheme of things. These things tend to get the "regular folk" up in arms because the people who engage in those purstuits are "out of touch" with "Real Americans".

Maybe its you regular fuckers that are out of touch with us! Yeah! Why should I sit up late at night wondering if there is any way I can get you judgmental assholes to like me. Is there some way to bridge the gap? Is there some way we can get along and I can talk to you in language that does not offend but rather allows me to express my positions to you in a way you will listen? Can I convince you that I am open and willing to hear what you have to say? Can we learn to value a free exchange of ideas? What the hell am I thinking? If you "Real Americans" won't meet me halfway, why should I fucking care what you think? Why should you get to be called "Real Americans" just because you thought of it first? That doesn't make me any less real! I'm sick of your bullshit, knee jerk, cowboy, asshole politics with your hippocritical, self serving, pompous definition of the American character. I can crack open my beer swilling, foot stomping, hard sounding "r" with the best of 'em, but that's not what makes me an American.

What makes me an American is that I live here, I like it here and I am not fucking leaving.

What makes me a Midwesterner is that I want to apologize for everything I've just said.


Blogger Unknown said...

That's it. Turn off the filters. Jack in to the main line.

4:41 PM  

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