Thursday, June 15, 2006

Too Much To Do

I've been sleeping like a rock. I don't want to wake up with the alarm. My brain is fried and I am having a hard time keeping track of responsibilities. On Tuesday I had a big freak out because I totally blanked on what day it was and where I was going. I thought it was Monday and that I was missing my homeschool class (even though it had been cancelled for Monday) and I literally ran around in circles wondering if there was a reliable way to find out what day it was- not thinking for a second that I could just flip open my phone and check. Even after I had figured out that I wasn't missing anything I found myself sitting in the bank shaking as if I had just narrowly missed getting hit by a bus. My life had flashed before my eyes and it was filled with scenes of people pointing at me and screaming about how much I had let them down.

Dude, I am so ridiculously neurotic and I can't keep this up for much longer. I'm going to have to screw up soon and screw up big so I can get over this totally irrational fear.

Well, I had better get moving. I have to clean the house, do the laundry, prep for dinner, find out about fishing licenses, clean the crab tank, propose a schedule for a possible new job, and pack up for after school so we can go to Target and shop for a Father's Day present. I have two hours to do this because I am working in Sullivan's classroom today.

Can anyone say "dumbass"?


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