Monday, May 08, 2006

Doug and Wendy Whiner

There is a certain sound that will make any human being jump out of their fucking skin and want to rip out the source of said noise and stomp on it repeatedly.

For me, that sound is whining.

It is driving me up the wall.

There is a whine for all occassions- dropped granola bars, not being allowed to watch Scooby Doo at bedtime, being made to eat pork chops, not being able to go to the corner you see the pattern here? It has never gotten him anything but a seriously irritated mother, so I don't know why he continues with this obnoxious sound. It makes every muscle in my body tense up and my voice box seizes as I fight the urge to scream "Get the fuck over it, would ya? It's just one bite of a freaking granola bar and there's a whole box full at home!" But I don't. I try to diffuse the situation and point out how he'll continue to breathe and he won't fall off the face of the planet due to minor disappointments. That just pisses him off. I can't really blame him. When I am hell bent on being pissed, I'll be pissed. He is, after all, my kid.

Okay, back to my allergies.


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