Friday, April 28, 2006

The Way My Mind Works

This is what I was thinking while walking home from dropping Sullivan off at school.

Marijuana March, I wonder what time that's at? Rachel's is closed for the Immigrant Action March. I wish I was a cat. Hello, Duck. Everytime I talk to that guy, I have a different job. He must think I am a giant flake. Oooh! Cinnamon rolls! I'd really like to rip off that bandage and look at the hole in my finger. I wonder how it's healing? Did I take my meds this morning? Tree. Tree. Tree. T-t-t-t-t-t-rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...chree, tree, chree, tree. what are those? Stop-plosives? I can't remember the term. I'd sound a lot smarter if I could remember the terminology of things. Juxtapose. I used to say that a lot. I like the x-t-a. Okay, focus. What do I need to get done this morning? I was born by the this little old town... Hi Otis. You know, it is easy to mix up lyrics to Otis Redding songs in your head? They all flow together. My love is growing stronger as you become a habit to me...It's been a long time coming and I know that a change is gonna come...oh yes it is...shake it like a bowl of soup yeah...Did I leave the coffee on? Damn that truck is loud. I wonder if I should get a Brazillian. It's so not my style, but what if...nah. Then I'd have to keep it up. I hate maintenance. It's bad enough I have to feed myself every day. Would Tom kill me if I brought home a parrot?

You see, if you think it is hard to put up with me- try living in my head. To the outside world, I'm chatty but at least it is organized. You need to thank me for filtering out the other stuff or you'd get this kind of shit all the time.


Blogger Unknown said...

Synchronicity. Several times recently I have pondered that while I seem a bit nutty to the outside world, they don't have to live with a head like mine. They can't see the strange universe I have created in there.

4:26 PM  

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