Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Better Than TV

I am fixin' myself a drink and sitting down in front of my crabitat (that's hermit crab owner humor) to watch me some molting. All of our other crabs have dug in to molt. Fluffy II has decided to molt on top of the substrate in full view. Which either means he feels safe, he's stupid or he's planning on dying anyway so he might as well make himself vulnerable to preditors. (Oh, for convenience sake, Fluffy is a "he". I don't know how to sex hermit crabs and no one else I know of knows how either.) He's been flat on his back with his legs in the air since early this morning. I know he's not dead because his eye stalks are still clear and he has small, almost imperceptible movements. His big claw is starting to bulge a bit and, if I'm lucky, his exoskeleton will start to split soon. Hopefully while I'm watching this freak show.

Yeah, I am totally putting off all pursuits for the night. Don't call me because I won't answer. I'm watching this crab drama unfold all night long- or until The Daily Show, at least.



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