Sunday, January 22, 2006

Why I Hate Weekends

As much as I hate to admit it, and as I much as I am the absolute last one to know I need to confess that I am not lazy. I hate not doing things. I hate not being busy. I hate not having a direction for my day. I hate lounging.

This does not mean that I can't enjoy sitting in front of the television, reading for pure pleasure, or watching the sunset. But when I watch tv I need to have something to do, filing bills, refinishing furniture, repainting the kitchen, crocheting. When I read I like to read things that inspire me to work harder, write more, think differently. When I watch the sunset I had better be drinking, eating or moving somewhere. The only time I can sit still and focus on one thing at a time is when I am talking to someone. A conversation demands all of my energy and focus and I love it.

I hate weekends because everyone in my house likes to freaking lollygag all day long. I get itchy and irritable. I want to get out and see the world, get something done, have some kind of purpose in my life besides getting access to bigger and better food items. Hey, I don't mind sleeping until 8 or 9, but once I'm up, I'd like to go DO something. I hate fighting to get them out the door so that I can live life.

Nope. Weekdays are awesome because I get to scheme and plan, write, check things off my to do list and feel some sense of accomplishment. Weekends are just a drag on my momentum and I've had four years of fighting to get halfway up to speed again.

Its a good thing weekends are just 2 days long.


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