Wednesday, October 12, 2005

More Things to Love

Turkey and gruyere croissants from Delicies de Paris on 9th Street. Yum.

Reading biographies, memoirs and such. In particular, Arthur Miller, Gene Wilder, Alan Alda. Mae West, and after I finish reading Kiss & Tango, I will be diving head first into some of Federico Garcia Lorca's letters. Should be fun.

Walking in the rain with an iced latte nestled in the crook of my arm (so I can carry the umbrella and bag holding the aforementioned turkey and gruyere croisssant) and listening to my walk being turned into a salsa rythm by the sloshing of the ice in my latte.

Pirates. Maybe I am noticing a lot of pirate things because Sullivan is into pirates at the moment. Or maybe it is because there is a quiet pirate revolution going on under our noses. According to one pirate book, my pirate name would be "Soggy Headwound the Incorrigable" or something like that. I kind of like it. Just call me Soggy, aarrgh.

The bandeneon. In my tango adventures I have really come to love this preposterous little instrument that sounds like an outdoor cafe in springtime.

Nuetral mask. For you non-actors out there, nuetral mask is used to help the actor strip away physical characteristics that are the actor's natural habits. This allows the actor to start building characters from a blank slate. It is truly beautiful to watch and thrilling to do. Liberating, actually.

Well, I'm off to ride a city bus and think about things that I love. It keeps my spirits up on a rainy day.


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