Monday, October 03, 2005

Sweet Employment

I love having a job. Even a low paying job. Feels so good. It is so good to have a little time that I am doing something for which I will be monitarily compensated- even if it doesn't cover my living expenses. Hey. Such is life.

I am back in a creative saddle and it feels good. My money job will be doctoring a screenplay, I just finished a rough draft of a play, I got a call for an audition last night (the first in blah blah blah years...), and I have to get my class and performance series running soon or I will burst. But, one thing must be handled at a time. I'm only one person and I must have time to enjoy things like Clue Jr. and apple picking.

Tom is picking away at editing the film we shot last summer and all we need now is enough money to live our lives. That's not too much to ask, is it? I don't need to be insanely wealthy, just comfortable with a little to sock away toward Sully's college/ roaming Europe with a sucky rock band fund. And pay for a certain personal trainer named Larry who beats and stretches me mercilessly, lets me swear at him and curse his family while he smiles and whispers "Good girl. You're doing great. That's it." I really don't ask for much.


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