Friday, July 28, 2006

Spending Money

Oh I want to spend money.

It's like this itch I know I shouldn't scratch.

But we're home and we want to pretend we're on a fancy vacation. We want to got to all the museums and all the restaurants- especially the ones that treat kids like little demon kings and queens and feed their inner consumer. Buy this! Buy that! Here's a toy! For $5.00 extra you can bring home this plastic cup and a bendy straw! Visit our arcade and blow things up! And when you go outside, a Mr. Softee truck will be waiting, quietly singing its siren song of plastic ice cream and soggy sugar cones. Come! Come!

There is so much to spend money on. Carousels, popcorn, movies, games, ice cream, and toys, toys, toys! And that is just on this block! (Okay, not the carousel, but everything else)

We've come to the conclusion that Sullivan has way too many toys. We are insisting that he earn money and buy any new toys himself. He responds with the phrase "Earning is stupid." My kid shuns work. At home that is. At school and at other people's homes he is a hard working angel. Imagine my surprise when I peeked into him classroom and saw him sweeping up, clearing tables, and putting toys away, all without a fuss. I'm telling you, school is like magic. If only the magic could come home.

Well, we're taking it easy today because I've run the poor guy ragged this week with camp and seeing friends after camp and having two play dates on non-camp days. That will show him to complain that he doesn't get to see friends enough! He is now sacked out like a lapsed Catholic on Ash Wednesday.

He was out until the skies opened up last night and drenched a showing of "Dracula" at Prospect Park. That was one of the moments when I was actually GLAD that I had purchased that gross of vampire teeth. Dude, you can't imagine how many times those things come in handy. For the price of 2 sets of teeth at the store, I could get 144 from a catalogue. Considering our many needs for vampire teeth it seemed like a smart thing to do. I was just being practical.

I know. I'm nuts.

I'll have to hold myself back today. We could go see "Monster House", again or "Pirates of the Caribbean". Rarely is there more than one movie playing that we can go to as a family. Hell, rarely is there even one to see. Or we could go to any of five zoos or countless museums. We could go to Coney Island and throw away money and then hang at the beach. (But we're going to Robert Moses State Park tomorrow) We could go dollar store hopping and buy crap for crafts. We could go to the pool and then go out for lunch. We could go to Kids In Action where we can play in a giant play space and eat Kosher semi-fast food, play air hockey and drive a go cart. We could take a boat out on the lake at Prospect Park. We could go catch and release fishing. We could go sample foods from around the world. Dude, New Yorkers are so freaking spoiled. But they PAY for it.

OR we could stay at home, soak up the AC and get on each other's nerves.

Sounds like fun.


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