Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Catching Up

I've got a lot on my to do list so let's get on with it, shall we?

fictionalben has put a new post up after a long blogging absence. I'm happy to see that he is writing in short form again. I do hope that he will let the world know about his other projects soon. Check him out and give him a little nudge from me.

I'm not really in the mood to rehash my irritation with a certain holier than thou schmuck I ran into this week. Let's just say that I am really tired of people pretending that they have all the answers and that they are so fucking smart when they can barely take care of themselves. Really? If you're such a goddamn genius and understand human nature so well, then why haven't you figured out that most people don't like hanging out with a judgemental fuck that is in desperate need of a shower? People who don't know shit are always the ones shooting their mouths off. It is the unassuming person that usually knows something. And this is coming from a self confessed beak flapper. I'm the first one to tell you that I don't know shit from shinola. But here you go, now my back is up again.

I'm a little cranky because, even though it is only the end of July, I am realizing that my summer is just about over and I still have not climbed out of survival mode. I would love it if I could just get my head above water for a while. It is tiresome trying to piece things together all the time. There's no escaping it.

Anyway, all will be well soon enough. The menu for this evening includes gnocchi wrapped in Swiss chard then baked with a delightful tomato sauce. I love to make gnocchi because it is so tactile. I like to pretend I'm Lidia from Lidia's Italian Table. She may be a big, Italian grandmother, but I love to watch the way she handles food. It's so sensual the way she caresses meat or handles wet pasta or dough. She handles it so tenderly, pats it, strokes it...makes me so flipping hungry in an almost unwholesome way. I'm telling you, if I ever made porn (for womyn by womyn) it would be porn with recipes and with plump, jolly participants.

That would be totally unwatchable.


Blogger Michael Raven said...

mmm gnocchi.

5:37 PM  
Blogger Bree O'Connor said...

You said it, brother.

10:11 PM  

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