Thursday, July 27, 2006

Oliver Stone Has Elephantitis Of The Nuts

First off, Nick Cage is a weird, wooden actor who is best suited to bizarre little movies with bizarre little characters. Outside of "Raising Arizona" I find him unwatchable. So the idea of watching him portray a 9/11 hero unpalatable on so many levels.

First, I don't want to see any dramatizations of that day. Is nothing fucking sacred? It is always so sad to see real people's lives fit into a standard Hollywood formula. Second, if I went to this movie (and I bregrudgingly admit that I might have to, I'll tell you why in a minute) I would feel so ashamed and filthy. I feel like I would be a total Benedict Arnold, betraying my home by encouraging such exploitation.

But I might have to see it. I shudder to admit this, but a friend of mine plays Jesus in the film.

Aw fuck.

It took me a long time to put 2 and 2 together because I knew he had gotten a role in an Oliver Stone film about 9/11, but when I saw the trailers I didn't make the connection that this was the piece of shit he would be appearing in.

I'm torn. I want to support my buddy, and seeing him play Jesus is really kind of funny. (You have NO IDEA how funny! Not because of his ability, but because of his personality.) I'm so sick of Oliver Stone's heavy handed style. On top of that I believe that it is way too soon for a movie about 9/11, especially with a heartwarming, sensitive pop sountrack. Are you fucking kidding me? Yuck. If you had to make a 9/11 film, it would be better scored by Neil Young or maybe Iggy Pop.

So. I'm not sure what I am going to do. Does my loyalty to Steve outweigh my hatred of Oliver Stone?



Blogger Bree O'Connor said...

Dude, it is on like Donkey Kong.

Having a good friend and beer with me would totally be like Mederma for the soul. Less visible scarring.

I'm leaving town from the first to the seventh. Make sure we make plans.

10:46 PM  

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