Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Have a Snippy New Year

It occurs to me that perhaps I am not as bright as I think I am.

A lot of people in my life right now are really snippy with me. Picking apart my phrases, getting really defensive when they ask my opinion and then I give it to them (Really, you should know me better than to expect me to be dishonest with you!), and taking out some frustration from some other part of their lives on me. If I was smarter, I'd get the hell out of the way and stop inviting such nonsense into my life. I'm not your psychic punching bag!

However, I was raised Catholic and the martyr fantasies persist. What did I learn as a child but that a woman's only hope to getting close to God would be to suffer? What's worse is that I would have to suffer through horrible torture because I won't let anyone have access to my goodies. Talk about a lose -lose situation. Of course that's not my issue here, but it's so amazing what people will deny themselves that I think it bears mentioning.

At any rate, people are just being snippy with me. Are they being snippy to anyone else? Or is it just because I have this obnoxious habit of hitting a little too close to home? Or am I a jerk that deserves this kind of treatment? Or am I just a damn fool for continuing to associate with people who keep lashing out at me?

I am also discovering that the people who talk the most and the loudest about tolerance are some of the most intolerant and prejudiced people that I have ever met. They'll love their little freaky part of the world so much that they'll reject anyone else who crosses their paths. I used to do that too. Guess what? I was way fucking wrong. There are some quality people in this world and some of them do things and are into things that you might not necessarily choose for yourself. It does not make them stupid, evil, or lame. Quit being such a judgemental asshole.

It must be some sort of karmic retribution that I am swamped with this kind of behavior at the moment. Okay, Universe. I get it. I understand that I don't have all the answers and I shouldn't get pissed when someone else does. I understand that I should be more accepting. I understand that I need to make an effort to slow down and listen to what others are actually trying to say instead of nitpicking their sentence structure and choice of words. I need to stop making every little interaction into a personal attack. I get it. Now make them back off!

I want to enjoy the end of 2005.


Blogger Unknown said...

OR are you just taking it as people being snippy with you?

You create your own reality.

3:36 PM  
Blogger Bree O'Connor said...

Duly noted.

I did mention my martyr fantasies, didn't I? I know, its a mediocre martyrdom but I need to work up to the horrific death and posthumous miracle stage.

I'm thinking something involving an excess of dairy products. Then I can be the patron saint of the lactose intolerant.

There's a big market for that these days.

4:45 PM  

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