Saturday, October 29, 2005


I'm sick of tipping. It's kind of embarassing. I don't mind leaving a tip for a waitron, because 9 times out of 10 I just leave it on the table and that is that. But the person behind the counter at the coffee shop- she just pushed a button and put coffee in a cup. Do I really need to tip her 15%? Then I feel like a total schmuck if she sees me drop in my money but feel her bitter resentment if I don't drop in my money. Then, if I tip one time then return to the same coffee shop, am I required to tip again? It's a few quarters!

Then there's grocery delivery, cab drivers, sky caps, etc. I've actually stopped ordering my groceries online because Fresh Direct changed their no tipping policy to a you can tip if you experience "exceptional service" policy. They are schlepping boxes up one flight of stairs. Aside from not dropping or breaking anything, what else can they do for me? Then, I am afraid I am the "chick who doesn't tip" so my food is always delivered at the latest moment possible! That's extortion! I can't tip the customer service reps or the people who actually pack up my groceries and get the order right, so why do the drivers get all the goodies? And they look at you expectantly like Pavlov's dogs. I just feel guilty about it, but I hate tipping.

I used to live on tips. I was a waitress. I know what it is like. But I think it is grossly unfair that the consumer has to factor in these 'surprise' expenses because our workers- the backbone of our society- do not get paid a living wage! But then, I am also freaked out about raising the minimum wage because that could drive the small businesses that try to hold their own against Wal-Mart out of business. Well, I don't want that! But it is a cyclical thing in my world. I don't make enough money. I can't afford to do much and sometimes when I factor in the tip I find I cannot afford to go out to eat, have my groceries delivered, take a cab home when it is just too late and I am too drunk, get a facial or a massage or a pedicure, or any of the number of things that require tipping. This means I stay home and do something cheaper. (Free) and my money doesn't get spent in area businesses. Which in turn means that other workers don't get paid as much because there is only so much money going into a business and then they need to rely on tips and cannot make enough to get by. Then they have to avoid eating out, taking a cab, having their groceries delivered...

If you want to read a depressing book about the proletariat that will turn you into a commie pinko socialist, read the book "Rickshaw". I forget the author, but it is a rather grim Chinese (I believe) novel about a man who dreams of running his own rickshaw and how his life is a series of small successes and huge failures that threaten his ability to survive in a market driven society.

I bet he really needed the tips too.


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