Saturday, October 22, 2005

Post Tango Wrap Up

So I've been taking tango lessons. I've only just started but I have already learned two very important things.

#1. As a woman, it is important to approach the tango wearing heels and clothing that shows off your assets. Lucky for me, I feel my legs are a huge asset. My progress today was much better than the previous class when I wore my usual dance/workout attire. I felt like shit, a big fat shit last time. Nobody wanted to dance with me. I didn't want to dance with me! This time I was belle of the freaking ball. Which means I danced more which means I learned more.

#2. Having a man lead, I mean REALLY lead is so sexy, appealing, comforting, and ego gratifying. Some guys will talk at you and piss and moan at you and blame every mistake on you but the guys who just go out and dance...what a difference. Some of the whinier guys just could not communicate their intentions to me. They were too busy ignoring their limp posture and leering at my breasts to guide me anywhere. At the practica this evening a gentleman who would not tell me how long he had been dancing wheeled me around the floor and had me doing steps that were way out of my league. He was also leering at my breasts (the girls were in good form tonight, what can I say?) but he at least knew what he wanted to do! I didn't question. His lead was so sure and so firm I had no choice but to just do what his body had demanded. He was either a lucky fool for thinking I could do it or a genius for seeing my potential. I feel better thinking that he was a genius.

I've done other types of ballroom dancing (although, historically speaking tango doesn't REALLY qualify as ballroom) and I cannot stress enough the importance of a strong and confident leader. He has to take control of the dance, his partner, and the partnership or it falls apart. Once he gets to know his partner, he should find himself automatically leading her toward the things she does best. Really, isn't that what a woman wants in a life partner? Someone to be strong and commanding, but supportive enough of her natural gifts to encourage her to display them to the world?

Now, if only that could be achieved OFF the dance floor!


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