Friday, October 28, 2005


Another thing that sticks in my craw is irresponsible beak flappers. So many people (including some good friends of mine) like to be racy, ignorant, or out and out crude not out of any conviction or even lightly held belief, but just to fucking hear themselves talk. Hey, in private everyone does it. Even me. Well, it's one thing to get that over dinner or drinks (annoying, but it can be dealt with) but when I see people in the public eye doing it, it just pisses me off!

A few nights ago I was watching Adam Carolla, and dude, he's a fucking beak flapper if there ever was one. He can be slightly amusing from time to time, but for the most part I just think he's a dick. Anyway, he was talking with Danny Banaduce and they were just throwing away some stupid comments ( I can't even really remember what it was about, but I vaguely remember something misogynistic- that would not be out of character) and then they both started laughing and Bonaduce says "You know, I don't really care what I say..." and Carolla laughs and agrees. What an obnoxious display of ego! I can say whatever load of shit I want to say and I don't have to be accountable for what I say because I'm an entertainer.

Okay- don't fucking go there. I am not suggesting we limit anyone's speech. Do NOT fucking go there! I'm saying that I am disgusted with the careless manner with which we, as Americans, communicate. It is my own view that as an artist I should be a communicator. It is my job to communicate thoughts, feelings and ideas to my audience and if I am misunderstood I have done a bad job of communicating. If I just throw shit out there, I am not doing my job either, because I would be abusing my platform and not practicing my craft. (FYI, this blog is not my only platform- I know my audience here is a small one and I don't have any illusions about that) Shouldn't people who have a very public forum give a shit about what they put out there into the world? I'm not saying Adam Carolla or Danny Bonaduce bein' dudes on a crappy late night talk show is really going to bring down Western Civilization, but it just pisses me off to see people being so cavalier with a solid 22 minutes of air time.

That and no one really SAYS anything anymore. It's all so empty or so full of propaganda that real people are lost. I don't mind fluffy fun, I really have nothing against it, but I know that even fluffy fun can mean something. Even fluffy fun can be smart and you don't have to be a PhD to get it. Farts and calling someone a whore is a real cheap and stupid way to entertain. Makes me feel all fucking Holden Caufield and I just don't want to walk down THAT road again. All I want are PEOPLE to inhabit this planet with me- not mindless, self-important boobs who only want to "push envelopes".

This reminds me of an incident while I was working on a show in Minneapolis. I was in rehearsals with two actors (of which one was the writer) working on some newly written pages. The writer of said pages explained that he had put this yeast infection joke in just as a filler and that he would be coming up with something else but that would fill in for the purposes of rehearsing the scene. The other actor pitched a fit that lead to an excrutiatingly long conversation where the other actor was begging the writer not to dumb down his script and that he should push the envelope. The writer was dumbfounded and told the actor that it was a crappy joke and he didn't like it and that there was no "yeast infection envelope" to push. It got ugly. The actor cried. Over a stupid yeast infection joke that really had nothing to do with the story. The thing is, so many people are out there crying over the lost yeast infection jokes while a few of us are actually concerned with telling the fucking story. Words and images should not be the battle. The battle should be content.

Give me some fucking content.


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