Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Not A Thought In This Pretty Little Head Of Mine

It's true. I've been walking around in a haze just waiting for school to start. It is absolute toture to have something good pecking at your brain and no time in the forseeable future to follow through on your own genius.

But not thinking is making me so cranky.

I am the most irritable person alive when I'm not working on something. Sure I have my play, but last night (from 11:30PM until about 1:30 AM) was the only time I had to work on it. Now there is just an endless summer battling crying jags and pleas for new pets. My sitters are already booked. There's no way we can do anymore camp. Our friends are all out of town. So. I'm not thinking of anything.

Since I can't really get anything done, I'd much rather curl up with my heating pad and nap.

Maybe I ought to call Doogie my chiropractor? He sent me a postcard. He totally misses me. I think that would whip me into shape in a hurry- a chiropractic adjustment, my heating pad, some cupcakes, iced lattes and the first full day of school. Oh baby, that would do it.


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