Friday, August 11, 2006

Yeah, They Were Gay

I just amused myself by searching "Ishmail and Queequeg + Gay" and read the Moby Dick message board. Dude, there's a Moby Dick message board. People are busy arguing about whether or not the scenes with Ishmail and Queequeg sharing a bed meant that they were gay. It reads a tad like a romance novel to me, so I'm inclined to think of them as gay. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!) But what I find sort of ticklish is that this particular message board had someone saying (I am too lazy to link it or even back track and find the page it was on- totally not important) something to the effect of- duh, you're all so stupid because it wasn't about them being gay at all. The blanket symbolizes the sky that we share both Pagan and Christian together. Okay. I can handle that for about 20 seconds, but it was the end that sent me into hysterics-"Why don't people think a little?" Sheesh! Like yeah! So not gay! It's all the sky-n-shit. What-evuh!

The fact that I have been up chuckling about this makes me feel guilty. I got into this discussion with my sister while I was at home and she pegged me as a snob. Then I go to talk to some friends about it and they say- Oh yeah, Bree. You're totally a snob. And they say it affectionately and pat me on the head like it's some nervous twitch I've acquired that they tolerate and maybe occassionally find endearing. I don't want to be a snob. It is just that some people seem, well...stupid to me. Am I wrong? In order to not be a snob am I to ignore the existance of stupidity in the world?

Okay, it wasn't exactly the blanket image that I felt was stupid (although, it kinda is) it's the fact that this person felt it was so obvious. Which I think is funny because the whole blanket thing seems like a real stretch. It feels like an attempt to ignore the fact that two men are snuggling in bed together and talking til' all hours napping and waking just like couples do in the early stages of an intimate relationship. Let's face it, I have some very close, close girlfriends that I love dearly and for whom I would easily lay down my life as Queequeg vows to Ishmail. But I've never spent that lazy, loving sack time with anyone I wasn't at least sexually interested in. There's a difference.

So that is just one demonstration of how I am a big snob. Apparently, people hate seeing movies with me. Sara commented to me that Ben is a brave soul for offering to see "World Trade Center" with me. Specifically, she said "I was just thinking that I wouldn't want to be anywhere near you for at least the first two hours after you see the damn thing." She's probably right. I am a total pain in the ass about these things. But...I know my shit. When I tell you why I thought that movie sucked, you can bet that I've thought it through and that I've put my full 31 years of experience into my review. Of course, I do tend to think about these things out loud. Sometimes out VERY loud- like after I saw "The Contender" and nearly made Tom and Sara's ears bleed. God, I hated that movie.

I think of absolutely everything in terms of story and objective. It has become a habit with me. Even my most private and personal thoughts and feelings are organized this way. Unfortunately that makes everything in life fodder for my obsession and if you deal with me you have to deal with the way I pull things apart and put them back together again. Occassionally this involves judgements. I do, honestly, try to avoid them and when I make them I TRY to be somewhat understanding. I fail sometimes. I'll bet that that comment on the Moby Dick message board was made by a high school student who considers him/herself to be very well-read (and probably is) and could just as easily have been me in high school. I'll freely admit that. I never said that I was never stupid. Hey- I'm probably stupid right now. But I just can't resist finding these things amusing.

I feel terrible about it. Clearly, my slip is showing and I am ridiculously insecure. You'll find that most things of this nature that I poke fun at I fear discovering in myself. Which is a clear indication that those things are present within me. Self loathing is a bitch.

At least I get a good laugh at it from time to time.


Blogger Bree O'Connor said...

You're a brave man.

And "The Contender" totally was a piece of shit. It was offensively bad. Poor Gary Oldman. Of course, he did "The Scarlet Letter" with Demi Moore. What the fuck?

Seriously, don't get me started.

8:19 AM  

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