Monday, August 14, 2006

Girls, Girls, Girls

I'm pretty excited.

See, I was up late a couple of nights ago and it occured to me that, for the first time in many years, I had my choice of girlfriends to call at 10PM. It used to be that I had one, maybe two ladies that I could call after 10:00 and even fewer if it gets after 11:00. Now, I have some 24 hour gal pals. I don't HAVE to call them, but it is so good to know they are there if I ever freaked out.

Speaking of Gal Pals, I had an impromptu movie outing with Britt tonight and I don't get to do much without days of planning. Just being able to say 'hey, I want to see a movie and maybe Britt could come too' and know that I could make that happen without too much effort was awesome.

By the way, "Telledega Nights" was whoop ass fun. I laughed so hard I screamed, although it would not have been half as funny if I would have gone to see it by myself. Movies are just like that sometimes. And movies are always better when they are followed by earnest conversations outside the subway station regarding the mechanics involved in getting gerbils up your ass. The only thing we really figured out is that you shouldn't ever try to do that alone. You gotta have a friend with you. A really close, amoral friend who knows some good relaxation techniques.

It is late and I am so full of popcorn and my back is killing me from that stupid stool at work. I need some solid sack time with my heating pad and some flannel jams. Damn, sleep is going to rock tonight.


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