Thursday, August 10, 2006

Playing the Obstacle

How many times have I sat back in my chair and smugly told another actor,

"You're playing the obstacle. You will never move on that way. Play your objective, not the obstacle."

Ah, physician, heal thyself.

Since early 2001 I have done nothing but play the obstacle in my own life. I've been strung along by circumstance, unable or unwilling to believe that I could commit fully to anything without losing everything else. So I have floated along on this river of self-pity making only negative choices.

Now, for those of you not versed in my particular brand of theatrical lingo, "negative" does not necessarily mean "bad" like killing someone or embezzling millions. A negative choice is one that keeps you (and the story) from moving forward. For example, at the end of "The Children's Hour" Martha kills herself and this should not be approached by the actor that plays her as a negative. If she does, then she is doomed to wallow and wail and make the audience hope she fucking offs herself fast. If she approaches the choice to end her life as a way to alleviate her suffering and save Karen from the burden of their friendship it is a "positive" choice. At least from the actor's perspective. The actor who makes this choice will experience relief and calm in the scene before she dies. She will use that scene to say a proper good bye to Karen, whom she loves desperately, and she will focus all of her energy on Karen, not on the impending self destructive act. How many times have you been in a room with someone who is completely incapable of giving energy to anyone but themselves? That type of personality kills a scene and destroys a play. It also makes for a very lonely person.


It is a bigger challenge than one could expect to keep energy flowing outward. Especially when "me" is really the only frame of reference anyone has. Everything in life must be channeled throught the "Me" Filter and sometimes the filter fails miserably. So, who do you call to be your plumber?

I think I need a good weekend of bitch slapping. And I mean bitch slapping with love and acting lingo. Some people are more comfortable taking advice from someone with a notepad and a desk, some with Tarot cards and a crystal ball... I need someone who is an honest asshole just like me. Someone who can say things like, "You're holding on to that in your lower back- knock it off" or "And how does that get you what you need?" or "Quit whining and just do the fucking scene."

Just do the fucking scene.


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