Monday, July 03, 2006

Disaster Central

This whole home improvement project has gotten out of hand.

The place is a mess and there is useless crap just coming out of the woodwork. Why do I have 20 rolls of double stick tape? What was I thinking? I must have purchased 10 or 12 pads of construction paper and just left them laying in odd places all over the house. NO MORE OFFICE SUPPLIES! Just containing everything has become such a struggle. If it was just me in this house, I would throw everything out and start all over again.

Okay, not everything.

It is going to take me at least another week to finish this project and another few weeks on top of that to finish all the structural improvements. Hopefully the bedbugs are on the run. Knock on wood, no one has had any bites the last couple of nights and we keep finding fat, slow bed bugs struggling to return to their hiding places. That's when we pluck them up and put them in a plastic bag. Last night I almost felt sorry for one as we dropped it flailing its limbs into the bag containing several dead bed bugs.

"Hey Frank! Where have you been? I haven't seen you all week...Frank? Frank? Are you okay? AAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

It's like a bed bug Twilight Zone.

All right. I must get us ready to go to the pool, because that is what you do in the summer time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little Kafka-esque as well...

Disturbing thoughts I am having right now...

3:05 PM  

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