Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I'm All Hopped Up on Herbal Tea and Ready to Roll!

Not that kind of "herbal tea", jackass. No euphamisms for me. Unless it is to use the phrase, "Excuse me, but I need to visit the euphamism" which I think is fucking brilliant. A tip of the hat to Edward Albee for that one, I wish I could remember to make that a part of my daily speech.

At any rate, I am reading an extraordinarily painful book (not painful bad, but painful honest) and I am as giddy as a schoolgirl. You'd think it would send me into the depths of despair like reading "Catcher in the Rye" again. But happily I must report the effect has been the exact opposite.

A couple of friends and I were shivering at the park today discussing the correlation between financial success and happiness. We pretty much came to the conclusion that everyone is unhappy with the exception of the handful of Holocaust survivors that each of us have met. According to our sloppy and rather unscientific findings, it is a matter of the type of perspective that provides contentment. Perhaps I will decide to opt for misery? It sounds much less painful.

So, I am sitting here with the largest and girliest pot of tea (raspberry spice- heavy on the cinnamon) and my ever-present back pain wondering if there are any coherent narrative threads in the story of my life. Everyone has to have them, right? Otherwise, how would we piece together our memoirs? I believe in order...and chaos and order and chaos then more chaos then chaos again and then order and so on and so forth. There is a mathematical ratio for beauty for Christ's sake! And if that is true (and it is) then there must be some reason why this chair smells like ass. What the hell? Sorry, but it really is something awful.

Apparently it was something in the trash can next to my desk. Sorry about that.

Anyway, since there is a certain amount of mathematical order in the Universe there must be some sort of mathematical order in my life. Unfortunately, I am not in possession of a mathematical mind so solving this mystery can go no further than some giddy evenings sipping tea and subjecting the world to my ramblings. Ah well. Could be worse.

I could have the proper perspective.


Blogger Unknown said...

I like it when you alter your mind even if it is with herbal tea.

And yes, even math has a solution to the chaos in your life. Chaos math is some of the most complex math on the planet. When we perceive order, such as the beautiful patterns of a fractal, we in actuality only perceive the limits of the chaos equation. As we delve deeper into chaos we soon learn that the limitations are self imposed.

Coincidentally, I spent the last several hours discussing chaos magick with my partner, ending with blissful union.

5:04 AM  

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