Monday, November 28, 2005

Sad Friends

I must be doing pretty well because a lot of my friends are going through some pretty rough stuff and I am not taking it on myself to feel it for them. So, that's good. Although I am listening to Bob Dylan's "Desire" album a little more than I should. Sure, "Mozambique" is a nice little diddy but "Sara" is melancholy and thick with loss and "Hurricane" just makes me sad and angry while "Joey" has the rather heavy-handed lyric "...what made them come and blow you away?". Sort of shocking in its brutality. But, I don't want to make this into another Bob Dylan Love Fest- although I easily could.

The point is (or, more acurately, the SEARCH for the point is...) that I wish I could wave a magic wand and take away some of the pain I see happening all around me. It's like an emotional apocolypse over here. I feel like I'm in the eye of the storm. Things have calmed down for me, personally, even though my social and political dander has been standing in self-righteous attention for quite some time. For me, that is considerable improvement from the wallowing I had been indulging in for some time. At least now I feel motivated.

I think I will be doing my annual Christmas address early this year. Not today, though. I will post it here as well as email it to everyone I know. It's percolating in ye ol' noodle.

The construction guys working downstairs are listening to David Bowie. Funny. I never would have expected that from these guys, they certainly don't look the type. But hey- I know better than anyone else that things are not always what they seem. It's kind of nice to see that in action.

Sad as it may be sometimes, the world really is a beautiful place and people really can be something marvelous. If Anne Frank can think so, then I think I can stretch myself just that far.


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