Saturday, December 03, 2005

I dream of small c celebreties

This was the best stupid dream ever!

I was running through what appeared to be a New York street set (it was most certainly New York, but NOT New York at the same time) with my friend Joe. We were both wearing dirty, second hand, formal wear (Polyester blue dress for me!) and carrying plastic bags filled with my son's stuffed Santa and snowman collections. Between the two of us we were holding a woven basket filled with Doritos. We were running to make a showing of "Memoirs of a Geisha" while trying not to spill the Doritos. All the movies (and there were about 8 on the block) were all sold out so we went so some fancy ass restaurant to drink coffee and eat apple pie.

We were seated in the middle of the restaurant right next to a very large pillar. While we were having a lovely and laughy chat about something or other, Tom Skerrit came over and nonchalantly peeked and poked into Joe's plastic bag and then he returned to his table on the other side of the pillar where a crazy Will Sasso was seated wearing a filthy white Hane's t-shirt. Joe and I were speechless. I mean, who the hell does Tom Skerrit thinks he is? He's not the kind of celebrity that has the unspoken permission to violate strangers willy nilly without consequences! Joe and I started to talk about this strange occurrance when Will Sasso brazenly approached the table, fell over it (smooshing my pie, I might add) in his attempt to grab the biggest, softest snowman and then he ran off with it. Before he had a chance to get away Joe tripped him, grabbed the snowman and we returned to our pie and conversation while Will Sasso remained on the floor and Tom Skerrit snuck out the back.

I'm sure the lunacy would have continued, but I woke up to Sullivan poking me with a singing Santa saying, "Mommy- get up! I want you to get up!"

But I imagine I will spend the rest of the day feeling slightly tickled about being harrassed by Tom Skerrit and Will Sasso- knowing that even if their real life careers are slow they have good supporting roles in my subconscious.


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