Friday, November 11, 2005

Someone Put a Ball Gag on Pat Robertson

So, the good people of Dover, PA voted out the school board members who wanted to put Intelligent Design in schools. So Pat Robertson said that they shouldn't be surprised if God smites them. If this guy is truly the mouthpiece of God- Satan help us!

A side note about Intelligent Design: I have no problem in people believing in it. No skin off my ass. I don't even mind it being taught in schools, just not within a science class. It would be valuable in the context of social studies- because our children should learn about other belief systems and how they play a role in politics and foreign relations. But it does not belong in a science classroom because it is NOT science. I'm kind of a stickler about that. Science is science. Religion is religion. Fish is fish. Intelligent Design is NOT science, it does not stand up to scientific methods - and science class should be about the PROCESS of analysis. So there. I've solved the problem. Your welcome.

Now back to what a dick Pat Robertson is.

Here's one that really sticks in my craw. Pat Robertson has said that feminism leads women to "...kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians." Well, I have no problem with 3 out of 4 of those things. Witchcraft is just another religion and someone else's religious practice - as long as they aren't ramming it down my throat or using it as an excuse to harm others- is not of my business. I've never known any practitioners of Witchcraft to be even half as annoying as some of the fundamentalist "Christians" I have met. (NOTE: Not all Christians are annoying. Some are actually pretty nice, but like anything one bad apple spoils the whole bunch.) So let's tick Witchcraft off our list. Destroy capitalism? HOORAY! Let's think outside the box, people. Capitalism hasn't done me any fucking favors so let's put another check in the "Robertson's Rules of Feminism" column, shall we? Okay, then comes the lesbians. Really, they're not hurting anybody. Most people kind of like the idea of lesbians- whether they'll admit it or not. I'm sure even Pat Robertson has had some filthy, filthy thoughts about some hot girl on girl action. I think what he really objects to is that they would like it. We all know women aren't supposed to enjoy sex. That is supposed to be the sole domain of the penis. Let's face it, most of these uber Christian Alpha Males are afraid of women and want to do their best to keep us from comparing notes and wiping their intolerant asses out of existance. So, without further ado, let's put another check down for chicks.

This brings us to the one thing on Robertson's list that I don't like so much. Killing kids. Here's the funny thing. None of the child killing moms that have been in the news the last few years have been feminists- that I can think of. In fact, many of them have been women that were doing their best to live as fine Christian women. I could make the argument that it is fundamentalist Christian beliefs that drove them to murder their children and the LACK of feminism in their lives added to their desperation. Feminism brings women together and provides support so that we are NOT alone with scary thoughts about killing our irritating little brood while our he-man is out there beating his chest and pretending that he is an involved father just because he knows the names of all of his children! Andrea Yates home schooled her children, she left a satisfying career to rear her children and be a good Christian mommy. Isolated and without a strong support network and without a break to recharge herself, her natural brain chemistry started to tell her that she was not a good enough mother and that her children would be better off back in the loving arms of God than with her. Our charming medical system kept sending her back and giving her inadequate care, why? Well, because of insurance reasons. (I'd like to add that this health care system is propped up by crackpots like Robertson who don't want universal health care because it just isn't profitable enough. For people who aren't supposed to covet these capitalist, fundamentalist Christian Republicans sure do want a big fucking piece of the pie.) So, one day she just couldn't hold out any longer. In her mind, she was a terrible mother and she was incapable of teaching her children and raising them in the light of God and they would be better off with Him than in her care. How do you get to God? You die.

As a mother who adores her son, I will come out and say that I get it. I've been isolated and terribly alone, which is bad enough. But to be without real contact or support and to have this very real and very heavy responsibility for another human creature is a lot of pressure. It hurts sometimes. I get really pissed off at these fucking high and mighty men who will never understand what it feels like to have your body and soul split in two by the creation of this other living being, to give up fucking EVERYTHING to care for it and then getting no real support for your efforts. So many men just think we sit back and watch tv all day. As rewarding as it is, mothering is soul sucking work. Then you get these dyed in the wool patriarchs dictating (or should I say "dick-tating"?) to us how we should raise our children and insisting that we give up the very things that keep us going. Fuck you. It's amazing the human race has lasted this long. The fact that we gestate, give birth and then raise them while we still try to maintain our identities should let the world know that we women are the toughest fuckers on the planet.

So Pat, you can't pin the baby killing on feminism. Stick that one right to your forehead, baby, because this one is YOUR fault. Not the fault of women who do their best to get together and provide for one another where YOU cannot.

Usually, I TRY not to be so venomous, but Pat's just said so much stupid shit lately (lately meaning for the last few decades) that I don't mind saying this: Fuck off Robertson, you ignorant son of a bitch. It's not even possible to sit down and have an intelligent discussion with the likes of someone like you, because you're too thick headed and have shit for brains.

Note to God- If you want this guy to speak for you, you and I must part company. The heart and the brain YOU gave me just can't handle this clown.


Blogger Christian Prophet said...

Hah! You feel into the trap of reacting the way Pat Robertson reacted. Clearly he is foolish with such a reaction to a vote. Why would you want to be foolish with a similar reaction to him?

12:44 PM  
Blogger Bree O'Connor said...

Ah, we are not always so wise when we lose our heads, are we?

1:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Right on! I hope a coven of Lesbian witches curses him to be gnawed to death by anarcho-syndicalist weasels that have just eaten their own young.

4:57 PM  

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