Thursday, November 10, 2005

Ain't That Lovin' Ya Baby?

A friend of mine confessed to me that he once told his four year old daughter (who was, at the time, throwing a fit over something or other as most four year olds have a tendancy to do) the following:

Look, because I love you I feel it is my duty to tell you that you are acting like a moron.

Now that's a good daddy. Maybe I wouldn't exactly have the balls to express it that way, but I like the sentiment. Hard to hear, but also really, really important. I want that in my life.

For the last four years I have really been acting like a moron and nobody told me. I realized this while watching "The Incredibles", of all things. You know the scene where Edna Mode slaps the shit out of Helen telling her to snap out of it and that she is Elastigirl and she should stop whining and do what she needs to do. I am paraphrasing, of course, but man, where was Edna Mode when I needed her? Having kids can honestly turn you into a giant pussy. I've been scared of my own flipping shadow for the last four years and not exactly without cause. Now I actually have something to lose. But that shouldn't stop me from being who I am. I'm fucking Elastigirl, damn it. I've pushed an entire human being through my vagina, if that's not tough I don't know what is. I just wish someone could have pointed that out to me while I was falling apart. I probably wouldn't have listened, but that's when the slapping needs to happen.

I can be a pretty tough bird. Given the opportunity to snap back, I will. However, I will curl up into the fetal position and wail about the injustice of it all if someone gives me the go ahead. Occassionally a person has got to lick their wounds, but I don't want time to wallow. If I'm being an idiot I want to know.

Right now, I'm being a huge idiot. I'm fussing about being fat and unemployable in my field when that just isn't true. The fact is, I'm just fishing for compliments because my self-esteem is for shit. In this situation a good back handed compliment would be my just desserts. For example, "Oh, shut up, Bree. I'd still do ya if you weren't married and you should be a one woman acting/writing/directing machine. You're just one lazy bitch with a ton of excuses. That's all."

Now that's what I need to hear! Love me enough to tell me when I am being a dumb schmuck.


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