Thursday, July 20, 2006

Slightly Random

Has anyone ever noticed how Joe Scarborough looks like Matthew Perry?

After the cruise ship problem yesterday, news anchors would have done well to consult a thesaurus. The ship listed. How far did it list? Is it still listing? How terrifying was the list?

News anchors should not be allowed to ad lib. They sound like fucking idiots. "The listing must have been frightening, especially for the elderly on board." Are you kidding me? That's just a dumbass thing to say. It's even dumber when accompainied by serious head bobbing and pursed lips mumbling "mmm-hmmm". Stupid.

As for the Middle East I will employ the same tactic that has been used by all parents dealing with sibling rivalry. Okay Isaac and Ishmail if you can't figure out how to share nobody can have Israel! Everybody move out now! An international peace keeping force (and Disney!) will be controlling the borders and allowing people in to worhip. BUT THAT IS IT! And you'll have to clean up that mess you made before you go to bed. And no allowance for the next week. That'll larn ya.

George W. Bush is a simplistic yahoo.

That's all everybody. G'Night!


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