Thursday, July 13, 2006

I'm Not Quite There Yet

I know many people who do amazing things.

I know that I could be one of them.

I'm not quite there yet.

I don't believe the universe bestows gifts upon people only to have them settle for mediocrity.

And yet I have made mediocre choices.


I need to be thrown a bone- a little positive reinforcement, approval before I make a move.

What would happen if I just pretended not to care?

Plenty of other blow hards who know much less go much farther.

Fuck it. It's not like I have anything to lose.

Except what little hope and faith I do have in myself would probably disappear if I failed.

But failure is not an option.

I read this crazy ass book that told me to burn all my bridges behind me so that there is no possible retreat only desire for victory.

Anybody got a match?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

this reminds me of a song i wrote called "drive" with the lyric:

:::it’s been an unpleasant day in this gold and silver town
don’t look now, but i think you’re going crazy
let’s light a match and burn our lives to the ground
we’d have done it before if we weren’t so lazy:::

i did this. lost everything so that i had no choce but to move to CA (which i had been wanting to do for so long). be careful what you wish for. and when it happens, you must constantly remind yourself that the pain of it all will motivate you to be different - better.

12:42 PM  

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