Tuesday, July 18, 2006


The thing you must understand is that the above title must be read aloud with a choir of angels and an organ backing you up.

It has become abundantly clear that I am not enough to fill my son's life anymore. He has been crying daily because there is no school and he can't see all of his friends every day. Today he starts camp, although none of his school friends are attending this camp, but we just couldn't rustle up the cash to get in where we wanted in time. He now hates me for that, too. At least he will be occupied. He went to this camp last summer and all the adults adore him so he'll get to parade his crazy self to the delight of grown ups who think he's funny.

And he is.

His teachers at school tell me he's a little superstar who charms everyone he meets. I'm happy to hear that, but I wish he'd charm me every once in a while. Lately I've been getting the "bad mommy treatment" where he screams and yells and hits me and calls me stupid.

I've never once hit my kid. I've come close. I've thought about it. Last night the behavior was so bad Tom just stood in the corner mumbling "Just say the word. I can get a belt". It was a bad scene. We took toys away. We held him down. Finally, we had a family pillow fight to diffuse the tension. In the end, Sullivan turned into a heaving lump of tears and I was able to tell him that we had been so angry that we wanted to hit him but we made another choice and he could, too. I also warned him that if he hit someone at school they'd most likely hit him back. His eyes nearly popped out of his head. I hope he chews on that one for awhile.

Being the mommy is getting so much harder now because he is becoming a BOY. He's exhibiting those isolating boy behaviors that, try as I might, I will never understand. This causes him to turn to me and say a phrase I have heard my entire life; "You talk too much." Of course I talk too much for a boy! I just keep expecting that polite acknowledgement that you get from girls and from guys who want to get in your pants. I just keep talking until I get that acknowledgment. What he doesn't understand is that it would only take a nod of the head or an "uh huh" to shut me up. Oh man. I'm in trouble once puberty hits. He is so going to hate me.

The funny thing is, every girl he ends up with will be just like me. Poor little bastard.


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