Monday, August 22, 2005

Why Life Is Worth Living

I do a lot of complaining and, from reading my posts I must seem like the most negative and depressed person. I might be. After all, I think this period of my life is now neck and neck with the level of confusion and frustration I experienced in my adolescent years. But, even so, there are some things on this planet that keep me going by just the sheer fact of their existence. Simple things that are so amazing that the fact that they were created by mere mortals redeems this whole stinking mess. I'd like to share some of these things, in no particular order because I think ranking blows.

First and foremost in my mind is Billy Stewart's rendition of "Summertime". If you've never heard it, do yourself a favor and find it RIGHT NOW. It is four and a half minutes of perfection. It is beautifully orchestrated and precise yet so raw and passionate that it nearly rips your heart right out of your chest. Stewart's vocal style is so expressive, versatile and honest that it leaves me breathless everytime. Seriously sexy.

Arthur Miller. Hands down, he's the man. In particular "The Crucible" and Proctor's speech: "Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!" Damn, Arthur, you wrote something so powerful that no hack actor could ever fuck it up. In the worst productions of "The Crucible", that moment always rings true- only because it IS true- no matter what anyone does to it. Go on- pass it on to your friends, keep it in context and dare them to make it not powerful.

The existence of the artist and the man, Gene Wilder. I love you, Johnny Depp- but I don't care what you do, you'll never be Willy Wonka to me. Just the last scene with Charlie in the elevator- look at Gene's eyes when he tells Charlie that he wants to give him the factory. He is a whirling dervish of emotion sitting so still. You have to give the man props for "Young Frankenstien" and for being able to work with Richard Pryor! (Love you, too Richard- Damn!)

Mae West- that's my girl! If you've ever get the chance to see her casually shoot injuns in "My Little Chickadee" while W.C. Fields (who is also lovable!) tries to take cover behind small children on the big screen with a full audience- do. It is one of the great joys of this life- not that I advocate shooting injuns but let's keep this fun, shall we?

Marilyn Monroe. I don't care who you are, it is just impossible to ignore her. Looking at her is reason enough to breathe. Add to that her natural comedic talent and it is easy to understand why her legend endures.

Tom Ewell- could there be a funnier performance than Tom's in "The Seven Year Itch"? Maybe his performance in "The Girl Can't Help It"!

Billy Wilder and I.A.L. Diamond. A brilliant team if there ever was one. Masters of pacing and double entendre and risk. I admire their social and technical daring. Do see everything they've ever done.

Lee Remick. My God- what an actress. See everything she's ever done- particularly "Anatomy of a Murder" in which Jimmy Stewart is equally delicious.

Tim Curry's performance in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"- unbelievable.

Tom Waits' entire career. If I could create in 2 hours what he can create in 3 minutes, I'd consider myself a genius. Plus, I believe "Wrong Side of the Road" is the sexiest song ever. How can you resist lyrics like this?
"...let me hold you in the dirt. We're gonna tremble, tear the throat out of the night. Sink your teeth into my shoulders, dig your nails into my back. Tell that little girl to let go of my sleeve, you'll be a woman when I catch you, come baby, fall in love with me." DUDE!

Harpo Marx's leg gag. If you aren't familiar (and I think it is a crying shame if you aren't) Harpo has this thing he does where he tricks people into holding his leg for him. It's stupid and it is divine. Oh, and the gag when an entire tea service falls out of his pants. Dude, that's funny.

"The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstien. Although, Sully won't let me read it because it makes me cry every time.

Mark Twain. Need I say more?

Goat cheese cheesecake with a crunchy crust make of crushed palmiers! Yum!

A really good aged sharp cheddar.

Cheese in general- what a great idea!

Cheap shoes from Chinatown.

Cappucinos and seven layer cookies. I loves me a good seven layer cookie!

The free public pool in New York. It's free, it's clean, and some days they give out free sack lunches. Damn I love this town.

Oh- New York itself. I can't even begin to express the multitude of ways I love this town.

I find I can go on all day about the things I love. It has seriously put me in a very good mood. I should do this more often.


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