Thursday, August 11, 2005

Selling your body (Legally and Illegally)

Many years ago some friends and I entertained ourselves by listing the ways a woman could sell her body (both legally and illegally). Here is an impatial list in no particular order:

1. Sexual favors
2. Hair for wigs
3. Eggs
4. Renting womb space
5. Selling your baby
6. Placenta
7. Breast milk
8. Kidney
9. Posing nude (or in various states of undress)

See how rich we are?

Another game some friends and I came up with backstage during a show is a little something called "The Snatch Game". Now, be forewarned, the Snatch Game is extraordinarily infantile and a little addictive. The idea is to create porn film titles by taking Hollywood film titles and swapping snatch for one of the words in the title. Comme ca:

Chitty Chitty Bang Snatch
Dr. Strangesnatch
Treasure of the Snatcha Madre
The Snatch over the River Kwai
Inherit the Snatch

You get the idea. Its pretty entertaining over a few beers and is more fun if you play with film buffs. The unfortunate thing is that as soon as you have decided the game is stupid and you are not going to play it anymore titles come into your head and they are so silly that you just have to share them while your friends groan and beg you to stop. Play at your own risk.

Do both of these little pursuits get me kicked out of the woman club? Or can we all have a guilty little snigger over it and move on?


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