Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Harry Potter 6: No spoilers, I promise

Okay. I'm a grown woman. I've had lots of reading experience and I'd like to think I am fairly intelligent and well put together. However, I must admit that I have been shaken by my most recent Harry Potter experience.

Not in a bad way, no! Heavens no! I applaud Rowling for her... brutal honesty? And I do mean brutal! I truly enjoyed the full day that I escaped from my life to live with Harry and his friends. (Dude, will Ron and Hermione just get it on already? I've been waiting for it since Chamber of Secrets.) I am glad that Harry is getting the opportunity to grow and change as a real boy in those circumstances. Harry and his friends are not from Mayberry. Good. Perhaps the human truth inherent in the tale is why I was so upset with the outcome of The Half-Blood Prince.

You see, if you would have entered my kitchen aroun 9:00PM on Sunday June 17 you would have found me making mad circles around my kitchen, blinking back tears and muttering "no no no no no no!" to myself as I tried to stuff a cupcake into my mouth to kill the little HP Anxiety Demon that was flopping around in my stomach. Now, I've read a lot of books, but I haven't had that kind of reaction to the written word since I read Where the Red fern Grows as a kid. Now, Where the Red Fern Grows put me in a funk for about a week as I cried on and off about the tragic passing of two fine coon hounds by the names of Dan and Ann. I see that The Half Blood Prince will sit with me for a while as well.

Now, in retrospect the outcome was not necessarily a surprise. Actually, I saw it coming a few chapters ahead, but I still went nuts when it happened. Harold Bloom, you're a bright man and I respect your rather scholarly work, but if you are going to tell me that JK Rowling has no skill as a storyteller, I am sorry but you can kiss my big fat ass. I am a pretty tough critic. I see the smoke and the mirrors and I am hard to please (just ask anyone who has had the misfortune of asking me whether or not I liked Titanic.) so I will have to take my hat off to the mad mistress of Hogwarts for turning me into such a damn fool for one evening of my life. Kudos. And hurry up with that damn book 7, would ya?

(To those of you that have read it: RAB- is that Regulus Black? Any thoughts?)


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