Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I love you, but I'd like to miss you for awhile...

This blog won't always be about my kid. But I won't be able to help it for awhile. I've been home for 3 1/2 years and at the moment I am suffering from the stay-at-home-mom version of senioritis. CALGON! TAKE HIM AWAY! But not for more than a minute or I will have hysterical fits because I will have completely lost my compass and reason for being! Stay close to mommy, but for God's sake leave me alone!
Sullivan knows his Mom has gone round the bend and he is milkin' it! Don't ever have a smart kid. Worse yet, don't have a smart, adorable, charming kid because they will con you every time. There's a reason why he saves all the really juicy conversations for bedtime chats. All day long he doesn't have a thing to say, then just before it is time for lights out I hear this:
"Mom... if Bukka (our dog who recently passed) is dead, can he still see me? Did Bukka like me? Does he miss me?"
"Mom... tell me about when I was in your uterus..."
"Mom...my grandma that doesn't have a grandpa...is she lonely? Can I call her?"
Really, how can a self-respecting, open and honest Uber Parent put those conversations off until tomorrow? Of course, occasionally he slips up and miscalculates the urgency of the parent/ child discussion and I'll get something like this:
"Mom...are you fat?"
No. Now go to bed or I'll eat you.


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